Fishing Team

"Fish'in is the Mission"
The “Fishing Team” is an unofficial term used to describe the loosely confederated group of people known as my fishing buddies. Above and beyond being my fishing buddies, these are my friends and co-workers at my place of employment.

These guys are all Engineers by trade, and presumably well educated and established in their fields of endeavor. Interestingly, none of us are originally from Kansas City, where we live and work. We all came from someplace else, which I think adds a very interesting mix of individuals and points of view. The main things we have in common, is the same employer (or former employer,) and a love of fishing, and great camaraderie.

Twice a year, (and sometimes more often,) we try to get out of the office together and travel to Bennett Springs State Park near Lebanon, Missouri for a few days. This is Ozark Country, and the fishing is great! Everyone doesn't’t always make the trip, but we more or less have the same corps of guys, totaling from four to six guys per trip.

Please allow me to introduce you to the Fishing Team:

Name: Randy
Overview: Founder of the Team. Finest fisherman to ever cast a line. (Hey, it’s my web site!)
Originally From: Kearney, Nebraska
Quote: “Fishing is a jerk at one end of the line, waiting for a jerk at the other end of the line.”
Preferred Tackle Ultra Light Spin-Casting.
Technique for Success: Consistency and Patience. Changes bait color often.

Name: Jeremy
Overview: Women Love Him. Fish Fear Him.
Originally From: Garberville, California
Quote: “If you caught a fish on every cast, they’d call it catching instead of fishing.”
Preferred Tackle Can’t decide if he wants Spin-Casting or Fly-Fishing gear.
Technique for Success:

Asks the old men at the stream for tips on how to fly fish. They give Jeremy their fish out of pity.

Name: Quentin
Overview: Renaissance Festivals and Fishing are two major hobbies. (Fishing in tights?!?)
Originally From: Somewhere west of Topeka, Kansas
Quote: “Hey, can I clean that fish for you?”
Preferred Tackle Ultra Heavy Spin-Casting combo.
Technique for Success: Snag ‘em and drag ‘em!

Name: Jerry
Overview: Patiently holds his rod while his team mates catch fish.
Originally From: Mansfield, Ohio
Quote: “Now, back in Ohio, we would… (fill in the blank.)”
Preferred Tackle Recently obtained Ultra Light Spin-Casting combo.
Technique for Success:
Snags an abandoned line with a fish already on the hook.

Name: Eddy
Overview: Laid-back Eddy.
Originally From: Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Quote: “Blessed are those who expect nothing, for they shall not be disappointed.”
Preferred Tackle Ultra Light Spin-Casting or Fly-Fishing Gear.
Technique for Success:
Consistency and Patience. Has trouble keeping them on the stringer.

As you may have guessed, the particular critter we are after is the Trout. (Rainboious Fishious.) This is a wily fish that takes a certain type of technique to catch. Some would say the only way to catch a trout is with fly fishing equipment, while other are just as happy, (and successful,) with spin-casting equipment. Although I respect the fly fisherman and his expensive array of tackle, I figure the point is to enjoy one’s self, so use what works for you within your budget. For me, I use an ultra light fishing rod about equal to my height in length, an ultra light, open face, spin-casting real, with 2 to 4 pound test fishing line. That’s my preference. You might like something else.

Now, if you plan on getting in the water to do your trout fishing, (and most trout fishermen will agree that this is the best way to fish,) you will need to have Waders and a Fishing Vest. Streams containing trout are cold. If you plan on staying in the water for any length of time, you will have to have waders. If you plan on fishing during October or latter in the year, you will absolutely have to have waders. Why do you need a vest? Well, you’re in the water. You can’t have your tackle box with you in the middle of the stream, unless you plan on diving for your equipment! (Real tough to do if you’re wearing waders.) Your vest becomes your tackle box. Everything you need, your knife, net, stringer, forceps, lures, flies, etc. are all attached to or contained in your vest.

At the end of our line, we will use various colors of single hook, Rooster Tail spinning lures, or marabou jigs, (aka doll flies.) Favorite colors include yellow, ginger, brown, or red and white combos. I’ve had luck with other colors, but these have been most consistent in these waters.

Ok. We’re now equipped and set up. Let’s go fishing!

For more information about your fishing vest, please go to the sportsman's bible, (Field & Stream, the world's leading outdoor magazine,) to learn more about why a fishing vest is important, and how to use it.

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